Going live…ish.( 27th May 2016 )New site design. Not finished. Uploaded anyway. Welcome to the new website! Take a look a round, but mind the gaps.
The art gallery hasn't been built yet, but we've added a blog, a section for creative writing, and a links page. The 'random' page hasn't been built yet, either, but will provide a gateway to my other projects. For occasional visitors, I've added an update history, and you can see the last 5 additions up on the right of the title bar. A preview of the latest uploaded comic or artwork is shown on the left. We've got the ability to split the comics up by theme, now, so you'll soon be able to click through the Verity's Ark stories without running into unrelated pages. Comics how have the 'click for next' navigation that seems to be the norm, too. The comics have always had a pop-up caption, but I don't know how many people knew about it, so I've moved it to a spot above the comic pages. | Blog |